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Table 1 Eligibility criteria and categorization of QR and MMR in the study

From: An analysis of qualitative and mixed methods abstracts from Japanese, UK and US primary care conferences


The annual conference of the JPCA

The annual conference of the RCGP

The annual conference of the NAPCRG



Category of research

JPCA: “Research” “Hinohara prize (research award)”


RCGP: “Research”, “Clinical”, “Education”


NAPCRG: all research except preliminary workshop, workshop, forum

Definition of QR and MMR in the study

We defined as QR and MMR all posters and oral presentations that included the words below in the title or abstract

Words from Mackibbon et al. [2]

“Qualitative/qualitative research/survey”, “mixed-methods”, “qualitative and quantitative”

“Grounded theory”, “phenomenology”, “ethnography”, “case study”, “discourse analysis”, “narrative”

Words from Saiki et al. [11]

“KJ method”, “content analysis”, “action research”, “field work”, “life story”

Words added by authors

“Thematic analysis”, SCAT”, “immersion-crystallization approach”, “constant comparative approach”

Categorization of characteristics of QR and MMR in the JPCA

Categories based on Mckibbon et al. [2]


Patients/family/nurses/other people/physicians/other health care professionals


Hospital/clinic/community/nursing home/emergency department


Various/cancer/mental health/pregnancy/cerebrovascular disease/general health/frail elderly/HIV/drugs/death and dying/diabetes/critical care/injury/asthma/pain/smoking/miscellaneous disease

  1. QR qualitative research, MMR mixed methods research, JPCA Japan Primary Care Association, RCGP Royal College of General Practitioners, NAPCRG North American Primary Care Group