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Table 4 Enablers/facilitators to conducting research, n (%)

From: Attitudes, barriers, and enablers towards conducting primary care research in Banda Aceh, Indonesia: a qualitative research study

Enablers/facilitators to conducting research (n = 29)




Career advancement

27 (93.1)

1 (3.4)

1 (3.4)

Support from administrators

18 (62.1)

9 (31.0)

2 (6.9)

Pursuit of personal interest

18 (62.1)

11 (37.9)

0 (0.0)

Pursuit of further education

26 (89.7)

3 (10.3)

0 (0.0)

Release time from teaching duties

11 (37.9)

10 (34.5)

8 (27.6)

Opportunity to involve students

26 (89.7)

2 (6.9)

1 (3.4)

Opportunity to work with business and community partners

27 (93.1)

2 (6.9)

0 (0.0)

Formal recognition by university

27 (93.1)

2 (6.9)

0 (0.0)

Other enablers/facilitators

There should be allocated time for three pillars of higher education: research, education, community services

Lecturer’s performance appraisal and career rank system

Establishment of research networks, both within the university and with other institutions

Personal interest