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Table 3 MINI or clinically-diagnosed depression and patient complaints

From: Under-diagnosis of alcohol-related problems and depression in a family practice in Japan

Age and sex

MINI diagnoses

Clinical diagnoses (ICPC2)

Patient complaints (ICPC2)

62 years, female

Major depressive episode

Glossitis (D83) and upper respiratory infection (R74)

Common cold (R74)

27 years, female

Major depressive episode

Upper respiratory infection (R74)

Common cold (R74)

25 years, female*

Major depressive episode and Agoraphobia

Depression (P76) and gastritis (D87)

Epigastria (D02)

35 years, female*

Major depressive episode

Depression (P76) dehydration (T11) and dizziness (N17)

Dizziness (N17), headache (N01) and loss of appetite (T03)

31 years, male*

Major depressive episode

Depression (P76), anxiety neurosis (P74) and fainting (A06)

Fainting (A06), thirst (T01) and loose bowel movements(D11)

63 years, male


Depression (P76)

Fatigue (A04)

31 years, male

Hypomanic episode, Obsessive-Compulsive disorder and Agoraphobia

Depression (P76), dehydration (T11) and vomiting (D10)

Vomiting (D10), loss of appetite (T03) and feeling depressed (P03)

47 years, male


Depression (P76) and tension headache (N95)

Cough (R05), nausea (D09), headache (N01)

24 years, female


Depression (P76) and upper respiratory infection (R74)

Feeling ill (A05) and common cold (R74)

41 years, male

Current alcohol abuse

Depression (P76) and upper respiratory infection (R74)


  1. * Concordance between research and clinical diagnosis
  2. ICPC2; International Classifications for Primary Care, Second Edition
  3. MINI: Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview