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Table 2 Clinical diagnoses and patient complaints among MINI-diagnosed alcohol-related disorders

From: Under-diagnosis of alcohol-related problems and depression in a family practice in Japan

Age and sex

MINI diagnoses

Clinical diagnoses (ICPC2)

Patient complaints (ICPC2)

40 years, male

Current alcoholism

Upper respiratory infection (R74)

counseling with a preventive purpose(A98) and cough(R05)

39 years, male

Current alcoholism

Streptococcal pharyngitis(R72)


48 years, male

Current alcoholism

Upper respiratory infection (R74)

Common cold(R74) and cough(R05)

36 years, female

Current alcoholism and Obsessive-Compulsive disorder

Upper respiratory infection (R74) and migraine(N89)

Common cold(R74)

28 years, male

Current alcoholism and Hypomanic episode

Upper respiratory infection (R74)

Cough(R05) and runny nose(R07)

46 years, male

Current alcohol abuse


Fear of hypertension(K25)

29 years, male

Current alcohol abuse

Acute bronchitis(R78)


41 years, male

Current alcohol abuse

Upper respiratory infection (R74) and depression(P76)


  1. ICPC2; International Classifications for Primary Care, Second Edition
  2. MINI: Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview